Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Life can either be a Gamble or One of Purpose

This past July, I traveled to Las Vegas, Nevada with my husband. As he attended a work conference, I had time to relax and reflect, and this is what I wrote as I waited to leave for the airport to head back home:

As I sit in my Las Vegas hotel room packed and ready for my trek back to the East Coast later today, I am reminded of a few things on the topic of trusting God and being okay with "not always knowing the outcome of life". The first half of 2015 for me was a time of reflection, truth-telling, questioning why I do what I do and concern for the health and well-being of loved ones. The world is changing around us, there is much sadness, terror and discontent in peoples' lives - it feels a bit overwhelming at times.

Las Vegas is a city of taking chances. People from all over the globe travel to this city, placed inside the Mojave desert, to see the sights, play the slots and live free! This particular trip, I haven't played the slot machines, but I have been to Las Vegas twice before, both times taking my turn at the slots and it was fun. I just made sure I had no expectations and a limit!

The funny thing is, we don't have to go to Las Vegas to take chances, live freely or gamble in life. We can do all this in the comfort of our homes, in our neighborhoods and in our workplace. I believe that each time we do not completely trust God with our marriages, our children, our work, our relationships with others, our "happiness", we gamble and take unnecessary risks with our lives and the lives of those we love.

I'm a planner. Both in work and life, I like to have a schedule, a time line that I can follow to complete the tasks at hand. When I do these things without taking into account what God may want me to do or not by staying true to biblical truth, I'm gambling with my life! I'm not always going to know the outcome of life experiences or seasons and I shouldn't. If I always knew how things would end, why do I need God in my life? If I just depend on myself or those around me, how many possessions I have, how important I am or what makes me happy, I have missed the point of my existence! I was created to make a difference for and love others and to love and be obedient to God. Period. It's hard to do this while the world around me lives in fear, or I worry about my kids or business decisions I make. At the end of the day, no matter my circumstances, I need to walk humbly, stand firm on truth as I believe it, and to love others!

I accompanied my husband on this particular Las Vegas trip, and while he attended  a business conference, I decided to focus on attaining some peace, quiet and sunshine! Coming out of a busy couple of months with events, I wanted to take time and reflect over my current life, busy schedule and ponder where God needs me most. I have enjoyed the sunshine and rest, but I'm also ready to get back to our kids and life back home. During this time, I have been gently reminded, that although many people are gambling with life and who and what they put their trust into, it's also easy for me to do the very same. I can easily get caught up in the day to day tasks as a wife, mom of four and entrepreneur, and it takes my focus off the important things. Living a life that honors God, and serving and loving others should be my focus.

So do you wish you knew the outcome of your life, your story? If you follow Christ, you'll know the ultimate outcome, it's the thing that happens at the end of your earthly life and where you end up at the end of it all. It's okay that you don't know the day to day outcomes of life, and you shouldn't. But you do want to know what comes after your time on this earth and how you have loved and served while living. The question for us all, is do we want our life to be about us and our own happiness or do we want to live for God and others? Either path is a choice, a risk, even a gamble.But at the end of the day, true living isn't without risk. Today, I choose the risk of living for God and others, and tomorrow....I hope I choose the same.

Monday, May 19, 2014

I Can't Seem To Keep Up With The Dirty Dishes

Years ago, when my kids were younger, it was easier to keep the kitchen sink clean and keep up with the dirty dishes.  Preschoolers do not dirty as many dishes as four teenagers can.  It's just that simple. And although I'm at a point in life where I can't seem to have a clean kitchen sink (and we even have a dishwasher), I do realize that some day....my sink will stay clean once again.  The kids will graduate, go off to college and then move on in life.  And the dishes will be left to me and my husband to care for and I won't have anyone else to blame if they don't get done.

Life itself can get dirty at times.  You watch the news and turmoil is taking place all over the world, countries fighting against other countries, individuals of varying ages taking precious lives of others, political parties constantly at odds and strained friendships, relationships and marriages are all around us. But then I think about the joys in life, the precious moments with loved ones, the challenges of work and raising a family and feel blessed to have the opportunity - no matter how messy things can get.  And I feel better again.

But lately, lately I've been hearing news of people I know, people I have done life with, who are struggling. Struggling with the news of being diagnosed with cancer, or another debilitating and even deadly disease that rocks their world more than ever, changing the course of life as they know it.  To watch the news about things happening around the world or even in our own communities gets overwhelming, and I begin to wonder...how can anyone get through the difficult times without faith of good things to come?

I am once again dealing with the parental emotions of "letting go". Our 18-year old daughter will be graduating from high school in just over two weeks from today and our 19-year old son, leaves in just eight days for a 2 1/2 month internship in the Czech Republic!  I really should be getting used to sending my children off out into the world, but since I'm the type that hates goodbyes - it continues to be a struggle of mine.  Time is fleeting and I want to be able to help prepare my kids for the "real world", to guide them on the right path and have the opportunity to see them settled, happy and living a life of purpose. Yet, the reality is, we don't always get a chance to see things come to fruition the way we hope to.  Life happens, circumstances change and not every parent has the opportunity to see their kids grow as I have!

Isaiah 53.5 says, "But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we are healed". The God of the universe sacrificed His one and only Son, for you and for me.  For our kids, families, neighbors and even our enemies. He paved the way  for good things to come!

So, no matter what, whether it's the dirty dishes in the sink, a struggling relationship, or learning to say goodbye and let go...there is a God who loves us through it all. For those of us who choose to follow Christ as we continue our journey on this earth, I guarantee you we will struggle. The path will not be easy. It may be lonely and even dirty at times. But I also know, that if we hold on to faith of good things to come, our struggles will be followed by encouragement, adventure and a love like no other. We will live a life of purpose and we will be a life changed. And maybe, just maybe, even our kitchen sinks will be a little cleaner as well!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Dirty Dishes

Dirty Dishes seem to find their way into my kitchen sink over and over again.  I don’t know about you, but a clean kitchen sink makes me feel good, organized and accomplished.  Don’t get me wrong, there are more important things that make me feel accomplished at the end of the day or the end of a week, but for some reason…..I feel so much better when the dishes are washed and put away.

This Christmas season is filled with busy schedules, shopping, work and special gatherings with family and friends.  The “To Do” lists continue, relationships are waiting to be nurtured and there are always dirty dishes that need to be tended to.

The Dirty Dishes of Life can feel even more daunting – especially during the holiday season!  Those that lost a loved one or who have experienced a broken relationship, individuals that are far from home and family, as well as people who are dealing with consequences from difficult choices they have made. Feelings of isolation, loneliness and failure abound and we’re constantly filling our dishwasher, scrubbing the pots and pans and trying to figure out what’s missing in life. We ask questions like, “What am I doing wrong?”, “How can I fix something that’s broken?”,  and“Is it possible to find real joy and purpose?”.

I’ve had my share of dirty dishes in the last several months: trying relationships, questioning my parenting technique at times and trying to juggle life as a whole.  Life can be hard, unexpected surprises (not the good kind) can pop up without notice and we can be left feeling all alone and not very clean.
The amazing thing is, when I have moments when I feel like I haven’t lived up to other’s expectations or I have failed at being a strong, supportive wife and mom…..I realize there are plenty more moments when I feel blessed beyond measure and receive strength that only comes from my heavenly Father! Three truths come to mind:

     1.       I need to focus on God and others, it’s only then that I can be content and feel fulfilled.
     2.      God can redeem anything – hurt relationships can be made whole, He can bring good out of evil.
     3.      My purpose and joy is found in relationships. A relationship with Jesus in whom I trust with my life,     relationships with loved ones and helping others by serving!

So in regards to my dirty dishes in the kitchen sink, if I take time away from God or others just to have a clean kitchen, I’ll miss out on so many special moments that God has planned for my life. The Dirty Dishes of Life need my attention more- whether my own, or someone else’s.  The power of God’s love can wash away all our dirt, grime and sin. His love is perfect, never-ending and purifies us from the inside out.
May your Christmas this year be filled with a special joy, time well- spent with loved ones and the knowledge that the birth of a little baby many years ago, was a gift that can’t be wrapped up or even hidden underneath a sink full of dirty dishes – it’s available to us every day of the year.  It's the gift of an everlasting life with a God who loves us!

Wishing you a very blessed Christmas and joy-filled New Year -

“Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.   2 Peter3:18

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Faith Lessons Learned from a Seventeen Year Old

The heart of a mother never ceases to love, never ceases to feel concern for her children and never ceases the desire to protect them.  This mama's heart has felt the aches and pains of letting go over the last year!  Our oldest graduated from high school last June and departed on the college journey in Fall of 2012. He's home this summer and again, I'm trying to learn the lessons of "letting go".  We're both going through the growing pains of a college student wanting to be an adult and at the same time, learning the art of responsibility and respect of parental guidance.  Not the easiest on either of us, but a necessary part of growing up - both into adulthood and parenthood!

Earlier this week, our third child left for a summer serving opportunity with our church to serve in inner-city Philadelphia.  I could tell she was a little nervous about leaving home for the week, but she was also looking forward to seeing how God used her and her team to serve others.  I know we're both looking forward to seeing each other in two days.

I am so in love with each of  our four children.  God has truly blessed me and my husband with wonderful kids.  We have our moments of course, but we love each other and they have a love for God and others that I admire and I know I never had at their ages!

But yesterday, we said goodbye to our seventeen year old daughter. She was selected to participate in an month long leadership development program designed to immerse them for a month in team-building, personal challenges, serving and God's Word, so that they can go out into the world and make a difference in the churches and communities of our world!  To be a difference-maker in the lives of others and to live out the life that God has called them to.

Wow, was this difficult.  I really don't like goodbyes....especially with loved ones.  But yesterday was a real challenge for me because we were sending our daughter off on a journey that was different from any other. The parents of each student received more information yesterday than each student would know ahead of time about their trip, and it's going to be a very challenging growth experience for each child.  Here comes the mother's desire to protect her children. It was harder than I thought to leave her, seven hours away from home, to begin a journey that sounded challenging for just about anyone.  I don't like to think about the situations she will be in because I know she may be scared or feel lonely.  I want to protect her and make sure she's safe and warm, and sleeping in a comfortable bed at night.  Unfortunately, this is the "letting go" part that each parent comes face to face with at some point along the way.  I need to rely on and trust in the God that made it possible for her to go on this journey in the first place.

My daughter knew even before she completed the application for this opportunity, that this may be part of God's divine plan for this point in her life.  I believe that's why she was a bit hesitant to even apply.  She had a fear of the unknown and being accepted. Which meant she was supposed to go.

It's crazy how many of us in life don't go after opportunities that open before us because of fear of the unknown.  The thought of our lives changing, for better or worse, send us into freeze mode. We put off having difficult conversations with people in our lives because we're afraid of how it's going to turn out or the pain it could cause.  We don't try for a job, activity or sport because we fear we'll be laughed at or worse, refused the opportunity to at least try.  We don't trust God to provide or protect us in our day to day lives because we can't fathom the love He has for us and the forgiveness He freely gives us!

The tear-filled goodbyes came and went yesterday, but this teary-eyed mom still needs to blot her eyes here and there as she thinks about her daughter on this very special journey.  The inability to communicate will be difficult.  The wonder each day of how she's doing and what she's learning will not go away until she arrives home. But the pride and admiration for our daughter will last forever.  She chose to apply and she accepted the challenge.  She didn't do it without question or concern. She didn't do it without feeling her summer would fly by and that she'd miss being with her family and friends. She did it because she felt God's calling.  She allowed her faith to overcome any fear she was feeling.  And thus the faith lessons learned by a seventeen year old:

1.  Trust that God has a divine plan for your life.
2.  Believe that God will provide for you and protect you - even in unknown circumstances, far from home.
3.  Don't let the fears of this world and the people around you place you into "freeze-mode", making you unable to follow God and serve others.

Life's short and God is good.  If you're reading this and you're a parent, I pray that you encourage your kids to branch out into the world, try knew things and love on them through it all.  If you're someone who finds it difficult to trust that God actually does have a plan for your life, make time for Him and pray that He shows you which journey is best for you.  And if you're a student - don't allow fear to win over faith!  Take on new challenges, get out of your comfort zone so God can teach and grow you into the leader you're called to be. Be a difference-maker, live to serve others and honor God.  These are things we will never regret!

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."  Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

It all Begins with a Dream....

When I was a little girl I would day dream all the time.  I would dream of being a mom and taking my baby to church, making sure I had the proper toys in the diaper bag to keep the baby entertained during the sermon.  I would dream of finding my "prince" of a husband to share life with while raising a family.  As I aged a bit, into my teenage years, I would dream about becoming a manager in the business world and wanted to drive a BMW with leather seats.  Status became a little more important to me and so did wanting to "prove" myself to others. In reality, I needed to prove something to myself.....that I was worthy.  Worthy of respect and admiration from those around me.  Worthy of having a a great life, a great job, a wonderful husband and family.  This was probably the extent of my focus.  Period.

Well, I'm no longer that little girl who used to day dream about life and the "what ifs".  I am a middle-aged (did I just say that) wife, mom and wedding planner. My life no longer revolves around me and what I want, but it's now more about others' wants, needs and dreams.  It sounds a bit like I'm trying to sound perfect or like I have it all together.  However, contrary to how it sounds, I am far from perfect. I mess up and still find myself, at times, trying to feel worthy.  Sometimes, I try to take control of my life, yet always end up realizing the obvious....I am NOT in control.  The God who created me, the universe and everything that it encompasses is in control.  This life journey I am traveling, is the road that leads me to understanding a loving, merciful God and how to pass that on to others. Do I fail at doing so?  Yes.  Should I give up on my dreams?  No.

Fairy Tales, Dirty Dishes and Dreams is a way for me to share my thoughts on life, faith and marriage.  It's a place where I will be able to share regrets, encouragement and what I have learned from my life experiences that will hopefully touch someone just when they need to hear it.  If this happens, it won't be because I wrote it, but because God allowed it and paved the way for it to happen.

Are you currently doing something or trying to control a situation that will increase your worth in the eyes of others? Do you dream of that fairytale ending in a current relationship and/or marriage?  Are you questioning what God's plan is for your life?

The scripture that stuck out to me this morning is this:  "Don't be selfish; don't try to impress others.  Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.  Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too."  Philippians 2:3-4.

I have been blessed with an amazing husband, four beautiful children and a wonderful family.  But life cannot come without sacrifices, challenges and pain. Thankfully I can turn to my Heavenly Father when the "dirty dishes" of life start piling up in the sink, and know by faith, that one day, all will become clean again!

Be blessed and make this day count!