Monday, May 19, 2014

I Can't Seem To Keep Up With The Dirty Dishes

Years ago, when my kids were younger, it was easier to keep the kitchen sink clean and keep up with the dirty dishes.  Preschoolers do not dirty as many dishes as four teenagers can.  It's just that simple. And although I'm at a point in life where I can't seem to have a clean kitchen sink (and we even have a dishwasher), I do realize that some sink will stay clean once again.  The kids will graduate, go off to college and then move on in life.  And the dishes will be left to me and my husband to care for and I won't have anyone else to blame if they don't get done.

Life itself can get dirty at times.  You watch the news and turmoil is taking place all over the world, countries fighting against other countries, individuals of varying ages taking precious lives of others, political parties constantly at odds and strained friendships, relationships and marriages are all around us. But then I think about the joys in life, the precious moments with loved ones, the challenges of work and raising a family and feel blessed to have the opportunity - no matter how messy things can get.  And I feel better again.

But lately, lately I've been hearing news of people I know, people I have done life with, who are struggling. Struggling with the news of being diagnosed with cancer, or another debilitating and even deadly disease that rocks their world more than ever, changing the course of life as they know it.  To watch the news about things happening around the world or even in our own communities gets overwhelming, and I begin to can anyone get through the difficult times without faith of good things to come?

I am once again dealing with the parental emotions of "letting go". Our 18-year old daughter will be graduating from high school in just over two weeks from today and our 19-year old son, leaves in just eight days for a 2 1/2 month internship in the Czech Republic!  I really should be getting used to sending my children off out into the world, but since I'm the type that hates goodbyes - it continues to be a struggle of mine.  Time is fleeting and I want to be able to help prepare my kids for the "real world", to guide them on the right path and have the opportunity to see them settled, happy and living a life of purpose. Yet, the reality is, we don't always get a chance to see things come to fruition the way we hope to.  Life happens, circumstances change and not every parent has the opportunity to see their kids grow as I have!

Isaiah 53.5 says, "But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we are healed". The God of the universe sacrificed His one and only Son, for you and for me.  For our kids, families, neighbors and even our enemies. He paved the way  for good things to come!

So, no matter what, whether it's the dirty dishes in the sink, a struggling relationship, or learning to say goodbye and let go...there is a God who loves us through it all. For those of us who choose to follow Christ as we continue our journey on this earth, I guarantee you we will struggle. The path will not be easy. It may be lonely and even dirty at times. But I also know, that if we hold on to faith of good things to come, our struggles will be followed by encouragement, adventure and a love like no other. We will live a life of purpose and we will be a life changed. And maybe, just maybe, even our kitchen sinks will be a little cleaner as well!

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